Finger Splint

I got the tip of my finger crushed in a vertical belt sander. I didn't need surgery but I needed to wear a brace for a while. The doctors gave me three different braces for the broken bone to heal, but they were just too big and bulky, and couldn't get wet because they had fabric on then. After letting the doctor know that I 3D model and print, they said I could go ahead and make one. I got measurements of my finger (which I will not show here because it doesn't look pleasant) and went through many iterations and filament choices. I added a slight hyperextension angle to the splint to mimic the splints I was given. I decided on a vorinoi pattern for breathability, using PETG as the main frame because it gave a little flex without snapping, and a TPU ring to keep it on.


Winter 2025


Rhino 8, Grasshopper
